30 days to faster delivery, more clarity, and a design system that actually works

We help busy product teams avoid the back and forth headaches, mindless reviews, and technical debt by creating powerful, tailored design systems in Figma.

Audit & Inventory

We audit both your live app and your figma instance to identify established patterns and progress.

Workplan & Schedule

Together, we prioritize your design system needs and clarify where our implementation will end.

System Delivery

We deliver both the Figma UI Kit and Coded Components with Theme file for your team to begin implementing.

Implementation Coaching

For the next 8 weeks, our Design and Development Leads coach your team over zoom to ensure full implementation and training.

We've Built, Managed, and Trained Design System teams for

design system reset process pdf preview graphic

Dive into our process, access a case study.

Everything you need to know about the Design System Reset in a compact PDF to share with your team.

The Ultimate Design System Transformation

No need for your team to slow down current initiatives. We'll come in on the side to help you optimize your Figma design system and ensure successful implementation across design and development.

Week 1
& Inventory

We audit both your app and Figma instance to identify established patterns and progress.

Week 2
& Schedule

Together, we prioritize your design system needs and clarify where our implementation will end.

Week 3

We deliver both the Figma UI Kit and Coded Components with Theme file for your team to begin implementing.

Week 4 +

For the next 8 weeks, our Design and Development Leads coach your team over zoom to ensure full implementation and training.


Design systems built


Figma libraries created


Designers and engineers trained

How it works

Audit & inventory your current design system

We audit both your live app and Figma instance to identify established patterns and progress.

We'll share a clear workplan & schedule

Together, we prioritize your design system needs and clarify where our implementation will end.

Craft a flexible, multi-tiered
design system

Our service includes the creation of UI Kits that layer branding, data visualization, and product-specific styles while ensuring a cohesive design language across the entire company's ecosystem.

Define your design system token structure

We will ensure consistency and scalability by providing a foundational set of design variables across your product's ecosystem.

Implement your design libraries

We will work together to centralize reusable UI components and standards, streamlining the design process and ensuring consistency across all of your digital products.

Align with your product ready designs

We audit both your live app and Figma instance to identify established patterns and progress.

Structured governance
for scalability and consistency

We specialize in tailoring governance models — whether federated, centralized, or hybrid — to align with your organization's unique needs, streamlining your design process and enhancing collaboration across teams.

Coaching & training
for your team

For the next 8 weeks, our Design and Development Leads coach your team over Zoom to ensure full implementation and training.

What our clients say

"It's increased the foundational elements and lets us operate at a 5-10x velocity. That was huge."

Todd Kamps

Head of Design, Roostify

"You've done in the first week what other teams couldn't do in a month."

Andreamorgan Mattheeussen

Design System Lead, FORD

"Having such a well-designed and organized design system is a cheat code for iterating fast."

Adam Larson

Co-Founder & CTO, Raleon

Design system case studies

a preview graphic of a design system case study for kaladina preview graphic for a design system case study for Roostify


The Design System Reset shortcuts the time and investment to get your product team aligned and rowing in the same direction. Design hand-offs made easy.

Who is this for?

Product teams struggling to maintain consistency and speed, specifically those who wish to implement or revamp a design system.

What will the Figma Design system include?

Atomic design principles, Token Navigator for managing design tokens, and Token Transformer for codebase deployment.

What development frameworks do you support?

Styled Themes for Tailwind and MUI, as well as coded components.

What is included in the Docs site?

Documentation that is synced to both the Figma design system and the codebase.

what is expected by day 30?

Your team will reach an 80%+ completion rate on the design system, and begin a Design System Study Hall for ongoing training and support.

How do you handle access to Figma, codebase, and production app?

Accounts will be created and access granted as part of the Day 1 Kickoff.

How long does the program take?

30 days, including a 7-day preparation phase and various milestones.

What is Token Navigator and Token transformer?

Tools that allow for the management and synchronization of your design tokens between your design and codebase.

How does the Token Navigator work in development?

It serves as a bridge to keep your design tokens in sync with your development environment.

What preparation is required before day 1?

A Design System Checklist, Questionnaire, and Role Diagram are to be completed.

What is the Design System Study Hall?

A program focused on continuous learning and system optimization, covering both design and development aspects.

What ongoing support is provided after the 30 days?

Continued coaching, training, and resources to help your team close any remaining gaps and level-up their skills.

Book a call to learn more

In under 30 minutes, learn how we can help your team design, build, and ideate faster with the Design System Reset.